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Key Stage 4

Students starting Year 11 will study ten, eleven or twelve GCSE subjects. The curriculum will include a compulsory element and an optional element. All students must study the compulsory curriculum. It comprises of the following:

Complusory GCSE Curriculum
  • English

  • English Literature

  • Mathematics

  • Religious Studies

  • Learning for Life and Work

It is strongly recommended that students choose at least one Science option. 

It is strongly recommended that students choose a Modern Language.

Optional GCSE Curriculum

Language Studies

  • French

  • German

  • Irish

  • Spanish

Environment & Society

  • Business Studies

  • Geography

  • History

  • Food & Nutrition

Science & Technology

  • Biology

  • Chemistry

  • Physics

  • Science: Double Award

  • Technology & Design

Other Subjects

  • Art & Design

  • Computer Science

  • Digital Technology

  • Drama

  • Music

  • Physical Education

The highest ranked students in the Year 10 Summer Examination will be offered the opportunity to sit their GCSE Mathematics examination at the end of Year 11, followed by GCSE Further Mathematics at the end of Year 12. All other students will study GCSE Mathematics over two years, Year 11 and Year 12. 

Compulsory Non-GCSE Curriculum

Students must study Careers Education (1 period per week), Personal Development (1 period per week) and Physical Education (2 periods per week).




Our Lady and St Patrick's College, Knock

120 Gilnahirk Road


BT5 7DL 

N Ireland



T: 028 9040 1184



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